Event Overview
On Tuesday, April 24, 2018, six college representatives participated in a pilot Study New York campus Roadshow. Kelly Whitelaw from the Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Steven Giardino from Clarkson University, Karla Engel-Molnar from the College of St. Rose, Mariah McLane from Rochester Institute of Technology, Kate Friedrich from State University of New York at Plattsburgh and Arlene Spencer from Fulton-Montgomery Community College and Study New York official representative participated.
After driving through the northeast, campus representatives attended an evening program at Kents Hill School in Readfield ME as their first stop. The next day included college fairs at Fryeburg Academy, Fryeburg ME, Thornton Academy Saco, ME and Lincoln Academy in Newcastle ME. The school counselors did a great job organizing various types of events which interested student could attend.
On the way back, three representatives stopped in Massachusetts with visits to Boston English language schools as well as Mt. Ida College in Newton MA.