Study New York works collaboratively with its member colleges, universities, and partners through special programs and global outreach to promote New York State internationally as the premier education destination for students, researchers, visiting professors and other exchange visitors.

The consortium is governed by a Board of Directors elected from its membership and includes Officers, Members-at-Large, and Non-Voting Liaisons.  The liaisons are representatives from the City University of New York (CUNY), the Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (CICU), the New York State Department of Economic Development, the State University of New York (SUNY), and the U.S. Commercial Service.

The goals of the consortium are acted on through the work of the Board of Directors, standing and ad-hoc committees, and the volunteer efforts of representatives from member campuses.

If your college or university wishes to apply for membership in Study New York, or you wish to renew your membership, please Click Here

If you wish to use a credit card to pay Study New York for dues, event fees, or other costs, please Click Here.

Questions concerning the consortium can be sent to and will be forwarded to the proper board member.



Position Name Affiliation
Chair Jennifer Kenyon Geneso, State University College at (SUNY)
Past-Chair Stephen Sobierajski The Culinary Institute of America
Treasurer Jane Benson-Rivera University at Albany (SUNY)
Secretary Amanda Stevens The Culinary Institute of America
Membership Chair Shanice Benoit SUNY New Paltz
Communications Ward Deutschman Appointed Position
Member-at-Large Maria Conzatti Nassau Community College (SUNY)
Member-at-Large Tricia Herritt SUNY Buffalo State University
Member-at-Large Doug Langhans SUNY Cortland
Member-at-Large Robert Olivia St. Francis College
Member-at-Large Alan Sabal Chair Emeritus
Member-at-Large James Shafer Touro College and University System
Member-at-Large Arlene Spencer Fulton-Montgomery Community College (SUNY)
Member-at-Large Freddy Cicchetti Long Island University
Member-at-Large Daniel Kopperud Rochester Institute of Technology
Member-at-Large Domenic Proscia Vaughn College
Member-at-Large Cynthia Yu University at Buffalo
Non-Voting Liaison Vacant City University of New York (CUNY)
Non-Voting Liaison Joan Kanlian U.S. Commercial Service
Non-Voting Liaison Claire Miller Commission on Independent Colleges & Universities (CICU)
Non-Voting Liaison James Pasquill State University of New York (SUNY)
Non-Voting Liaison Kathryn Bamberger Empire State Development