Event Overview
Study New York held its 3rd Annual “Why I Love Studying in New York” student photo competition August to October 2017.
Over 40 photo submissions were received from across New York State. The photo competition winners were announced at a reception on November 28, 2017 at New York Institute of Technology’s (NYIT) New York City campus.
Forty Study New York member schools and consular representatives from 10 countries attended. Study New York wants to be a resource for the consular community when they receive inquiries about studying in the US. It was an opportunity for member schools to network with New York’s consular community and highlight the economic contributions international students make to New York.
Photos can be viewed at: https://www.facebook.com/studyny.
We would like to thank every student for their wonderful submissions and our Sponsor, Visit Rochester
We look forward to all of the submissions for the 2018 reception!
The following winners were awarded:
Cultural Category: Tarekul Alam of CUNY Baruch College | Bangladesh
Campus Category: Sally Elfishawy of SUNY New Paltz | Egypt
Selfie Category: Kris Huan of NYIT | China
Video Submission: Maia Macpherson of Pace University | Dubai