Date & Time


Share Event

Event Overview

Study New York attended the NAFSA: Association of International Educators Annual Conference. This year, the conference took place in Boston and had record attendance. We were able to again reserve a corner exhibit space located near both Education USA and the U.S. Commercial Service booths. This year, the look of our booth changed with the addition of two new Post-Up displays and a new table banner.

In addition to having an exhibit booth, Study New York was able to participate in one of the poster sessions. The session was titled “U.S. Higher Education Partnership Fair.” This event allowed us to meet with a variety of conference attendees who may not have had a chance to visit our booth because of conflicting workshop schedules.

This year, we continued to hand out “STUDY NY” member ribbons for use on conference name badges. This was another way to clearly identify consortium members attending the conference and to spark conversation from those who may have noticed the ribbon and were not aware of Study New York

Study New York was represented by the following members: Maria Conzatti, Chair (Nassau Community College), Monica Esser, Chair-Elect (Fordham University), and Doug Langhans, Board Member (SUNY Cortland).